Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Year and Some New Stuff

This is not a resolution, but it is an attempt to faithfully add something each week to our blog: sermon outlines. Some of them will be a blessing and some of them might not. I am praying that they will help people who are in need spiritually. . .or maybe a preacher could use one or two of them in a pinch.

What To Do In Troubled Times
Genesis 32

1. Jacob's Problem - He had one when he left home and he had that one multiplied when he comes back.
Family problems?
Money problems?
Personal trouble?
Trouble at work? Needing work?
The real question is what shall we do when the troubles come? Job says that man is of few days and full of trouble. We grow up getting into and out of troubles.
The problem Jacob had is one that was bigger than he was. It was life and death. Did you realize that the spiritual problem faced by every person - SIN - is a life and death problem? "For the wages of sin is death. . ." This is the biggest problem that people face. It is the biggest problem that you face. Other problems might be symptoms of the real problem. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
What shall be done with the problems that are simply out of our reach. We have gone to the well of strength and found it dry. We have gone to the well of knowledge or experience and found them lacking. What shall be done?

2. Jacob's plan. His was an elaborate plan. Wave after wave of a "gift" were sent to Esau. Then the company was divided in hopes that at least one group would survive. Making plans is not wrong. Organization is not wrong, unless we trust in the plan or program instead of the Lord. Then it is wrong. Daniel prayed three times a day. He was organized. It would do us well in the new year to pray three times a day on purpose. David prayed three times a day and praised seven times a day. Maybe our own personal time with God could use some organization. Just beware of trusting in the planning more than the Lord. Even the best of plans can be brought to nothing.

3. Jacob's prayer. Now Jacob is getting on the right track. Notice that his prayer is based upon the covenant of God. His prayer is humbly asked. He speaks to the One he knows has spoken to him. How our praying benefits when we are immersed in the Word of God. Our faith is strengthened and proper boldness enters our praying as we receive the precious and powerful promises God gives in His Word. Prayer must be more than flowery words. Jacob's prayer is directly to the point asking for something specific. Sometimes we suffer because we do not pray. We do not ask. Sometimes we suffer because we ask selfishly.

4. God takes Jacob another step. Notice: Jacob's persistence. Everyone else has passed over the brook except him, and the angel of the Lord meets him and there is a great struggle. Simple praying opens the door to serious struggle with God. God wants to work on the inside of us. He wants to bring about the transformation of our character. So we enter the wrestling arena. All night long, Jacob wrestles with God. He seeks God's blessing. He had stolen Isaac's blessing years before, but he will not steal this blessing. He will pay for it in struggle and in pain. "I will not let thee go!" Where is the perseverance among God's people today. We live in the "instant" society. We want everything fast and easy. Christian, you must be willing to hang on to God. George Mueller prayed for some people for over fifty years before they came to Christ. Will you hang on like that? God doesn't make it any easier when He reaches out and touches Jacob's thigh. Sometimes we have trials to test our resolve. At what level is our faith? With his hip out of joint, Jacob keeps holding on to the One Who is able to truly bless. Never forget the character of the One with whom you wrestle. It will help you while you are holding on to remember that the Lord is good and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Never forget the patience of God and how He does not reward us according to out iniquities, but accoring to His mercy. Though He touches your hip now, He is the One who will grant your request and then some. Keep holding on!

5. Jacob's prevailing. As the day breaks, the angel of the Lord asks Jacob a strange thing, "What is thy name?" In his relenting to give the blessing, God still requires that we come before Him in transparency. Who are you? All Jacob could do is be honest. All he could do is admit that he was the deceiver, the supplanter, the trickster. What we often miss when we maintain our own righteousness. God knows our hearts. He knows our wickedness! He sees the real us. Yet, He wants us to admit it, too. We live in the Bible belt, where folks could be saved if they would admit they needed saving. We live in the Bible belt were folks could have revival if they would admit that they needed it. Instead churches become social clubs, women's groups run off preachers, and the only church growth you can find are in the places where there is entertainment and no preaching against sin. Will we not hear the voice of God? "What is thy name?" What is it? Hypocrite, Rebel, Liar, Whisperer? Jacob, the deceiver, that is my name. We admit our lowliness, and God begins to act. He changes Jacob's name to Israel - God's Prince. This is grace. Undeserved kindness.

Still however the blessing has not been given. Another aspect must be noted before the blessing is given. Jacob turns the question God has asked him around, "Tell me, I pray thee, thy name." Here is the last doorway to receiving the blessing of God. . .seeking after Him alone. If you want to be saved, you must trust Christ alone. He alone is the way to the Father according to John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. If you want God's blessing in your life, you must seek Him alone. It's nice to have His gifts and such, but He is better than they are. It is nice to enjoy His prospering, but He is better than His good blessings. "Seek my face," He calls to us. Jacob's question concerning the name of his Heavenly Adversary says that Jacob is now, finally interested in the right thing: God's own character. . .Who He is. This is where the victory can be found for every trial. Get up close to Him and find out Who He is. Have you ever wondered why the Lord has the name, "Lily of the valley"?

How can we be blessed in the new year? Colossians 3:1-2 "If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

Seek Him for salvation, and you will have it.
Seek Him for sanctification and you will grow.
Seek Him in service.
Seek Him is separation. . .two ways, from the world, from sin, and unto the Lord.

May God bless you as you enter this new year with your problems that you might wrestle with the Lord until you receive all He has for you. Do not stop short of His blessing. If you need spiritual help or prayer, please feel free to send me and e-mail at Looking forward to hearing from you. God bless you.

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