Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Where did the lat year go? Talk about time flying. Well, God has given us another day to serve Him. Let's use it to the best of our ability and talent. There are souls to win, lives to touch, people to encourage, songs to be sung, books to be written, and smiles to be distributed.

I don't know what all will happen in this new year. There will be some blessings, some heartaches, some troubles, trials, and tribulation. Whatever comes our way, we have a God Who holds us in the palm of His hand. . .safely. Can you trust Him? Will you?

The challenges for me in 2009 will be different than what you face, but let's trust the Lord and take the challenges. Resolutions are not evil. Paul pressed toward the mark and so should we. So set some goals, work them out down to the daily bite-sized achievable kind, and start today. "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Are they evil? Read the paper and then answer. Let's do our part in redeeming the time God gives us.

Bless you in the New Year!!

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