Monday, October 27, 2008

Something Better

Knowledge can be a wonderful thing! You would expect to hear this from a teacher. You might not expect to hear that knowledge can also be a dangerous thing, or that there is something better than knowledge.

Of course knowledge can be a good thing and we need it in order to operate from day to day. Sometimes knowledge simply creates a better criminal. At other times knowledge makes a humble Christian into a puffed up unusable servant. There is something that must accompany our knowledge in order for it to be a benefit. You realize that there are many well-educated people who have been greatly and are being greatly used by God. At the same time, there are others who have not had educational opportunities, but these are still being greatly used by God. The knowledge levels can vary, but the charity level cannot.

Knowledge can make us proud, but charity builds us up. Let's focus a little more on building people up. Let's take some time to send a card or letter, make a phone call, mail a check to a missionary or preacher in need, or spend time helping a needy child. May the character of God's love fill and flow through our lives. Our homes sure need this atmosphere. Churches are cold, dead, and dry because there is selfishness instead of true Bible love abounding. We are at a low level of real agape love.

"Charity suffereth long and is kind, charity envieth not. . .." Read those familiar verses from 1 Corinthians 13 again. Ask God to enable you to be a builder again, to touch others' lives with God's love.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Have a blessed week!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Satan Always Lying on God

This past weekend we enjoyed a great youth rally with Brother Donald Scully and his church and in Corinth. His speaker, Brother Glaceau, brought out some great truths concerning how the old devil tries to work us over and destroy us. His purpose is to destroy us, and his plan is to deceive us. He lies in order to bring about our destruction. What kinds of lies has he been using since the Garden of Eden?

He wants us to have wrong thoughts about the God we serve. He want sus to believe that God is holding out on us, and that there is something more we could have, if God were a good God. So he pointed out the forbidden fruit to Eve. When he does this to us, and he does, we must be reminding ourselves of the blessings of God. All Eve had to do was to point out the many good things God had for her and Adam. Like her somtimes we fail to appreciate the things God has given us. I am convinced that one of the major reasons why we are led into sin is ingratitude towards God for what we have. Read Romans 1 and you will find this truth, "Neither were thankful."

The devil wants to discredit the goodness of God. Would you stop and think: God knows all about you and me, yet He loves us more than we could ever earn or deserve. Does that not sound like a good, good God? Would you stop for a moment and give Him some praise? Read Psalm 103 once again. Let's stop buying the devil's lies and begin to exalt our God for His wondrous goodness. God is not holding out on you. He has already given Heaven's best so that you and I could be His children. We serve an awesome God!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What a Promise!

At the close of Matthew's Gospel, we find the Great Commission. It is more than a closing we find here since it also makes a transition. Jesus' work on earth has been completed for now, but our has not. All authority has been given to Him, all power, and now we are sent out under that authority to tell the good news! We are told to be baptizing believers, and to teach them to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't it great to have a purpose?! Are you involved in this great work in some way?

With this directive comes a great promise. It is not the promise of ease. Nor is it the promise of health, or wealth. No. The promise given is better than any of these. "I am with you alway." He has promised His presence, His companionship, His availability to us ALL THE TIME. This thought helps me. Paul could learn to be content in every condition financially because Jesus was with him. Steven, while being battered to death, looked up and, with the glow of Heaven on his face, saw Jesus standing to welcome him. There is great comfort in the presence of the Lord. He gives us courage. He is with us to guard, to guide, and to give us what we need. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for THOU ART WITH ME. . ." Are you resting in this assurance as you involve yourself in the purpose of God?

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Borrowed Outline

Maybe all outlines are borrowed. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. This outlines comes from Steven Olford, the South African preacher who pastored here in the United States and graduated to Heaven just a couple of years ago. He was a strong proponent of expository preaching who carried the fire of God in his heart.

I will entitle the outline: Why We Need Revival

1. We need revival in order to restrain the righteous anger of God.

2. We need revival to restore a conscious awareness of God.

3. We need revival to reveal the gracious activity of God.

Most of the time we refer to revival and think of a revival meeting, but I am not sure that this is what Dr. Olford refers to. It could include that, but think of these points while applying them personally. Instead of the "WE", let's make it, "I". The old spiritual says it well, "It's not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O Lord, standin' in the need of prayer."

It is time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness down upon us. May God bless you as you pray and seek Him today.