Friday, January 30, 2009

How to Know What not to Wear

Bible doctrine should apply to our lives. Making these applications is the duty of the Bible expositor and the mother with the little ones she is training on a daily basis. A verse from 1 Corinthians chapter eleven jumps out at me. Here is a great doctrinal truth: But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Awesome verse of Scripture speaking of the plan of Scriptural responsibility. This verse has been misunderstood. It does not mean that men are better than women, but it does remind us that God has an order of responsibility. When we follow this, God-given order, He receives glory in our homes, in our churches, and in our nation.

This great doctrine of the Scriptures is applied to something that seems to be very mundane, very ordinary, our dress standards. Now a lot of people just get mad when they hear that the preacher is going to be speaking on that subject. Sometimes people have left churches after just such a sermon. That is certainly not my intention, to run someone away from a church that loves them and where the Word of God is preached. Listen, there are some places that you can go where nobody says anything about how Christians ought to or ought not to dress. The Bible talks about it, why should we avoid it? Some have ridden their personal hobby horses over and over this subject ad infinitum, ad nauseum. This not all of the Bible, but it is important. Especially in our day of loose morals and exposure, we need the truths of God's Word to help us stay on track and be better witnesses for our Savior.

1. Your dress should distinguish your sex. Ladies should be recognizable as ladies and not wear a man's apparel. In some cultures this would mean that the ladies would wear billowy, baggy things that look like trousers. Men would wear a skirt or flowing robe in some cultures that would oppose a woman wearing such "manly" attire! Men, in our culture, must not be cross-dressers! Let's obey the Deuteronomy 22:5 injunction and guard our wardrobe. Men dress like men. Ladies, dress with femininity and godly grace. Away with the unisex fads and fashions.

2. Your dress should not hinder your testimony for Jesus Christ. Dressing in some modern styles does more harm to our testimony for Christ than it does good. Matthew 5:14-16 tells us that we are the salt and the light in our culture, and therefore, we should act and dress in such a way that God is seen. Sometimes we know better what would not be pleasing to the Lord in regards to our dress standards. Something that is too revealing, too form-fitting, too low, or too high is easily spotted as not being a good witness for the Lord. I thank the Lord for standards. It is good to know what is expected at our places of work, and a higher standard is better. How much more should we as believers lift up the standard in our personal grooming as well as our personal behavior.

3. Your dress should not cause some fellow-believer to stumble. In most of our cities, there are certain districts in which you will find women standing on the corners, just like is mentioned in Proverbs 7, and "selling their wares". How do these women, who need to find real freedom and forgiveness in Christ, dress? Sadly, there are church-ladies whose dress does not seem much different. Of course there is no excuse for Christian men yielding to fleshly temptations to illicit affairs, and there is not excuse for women (supposedly Christian women) dressing like a street-walker! Let's be on our guard. Men, you too should dress and deport yourself in such a way as to honor the Lord. Wouldn't it be a shame for the preacher to show up at a wedding with his swimming trunks on? There is a time for the trunks, but it is not in the place of worship. Let the common sense that God has given you, the Word of God, and a genuine desire for your brothers and sisters in Christ to live honorable and pure lives govern your dress code. Raise the bar!

4. Your dress ought to remind you of what Jesus has done for you. There is a reason that God provided clothing of skins for Adam and Eve. Clothing is designed to conceal, not to reveal. Standing naked before God, Adam and Eve knew that they had sinned and deserved the righteous punishment of a holy God. God knew all about their rebellion and sinful behavior. They were caught. Aprons of fig leaves would not suffice for a covering, and point to man's best efforts in religion to cover the guilt of an unregenerate race. God will never be appeased or pleased with religion. More is needed! An acceptable covering must be found. Blood must be shed for a covering to be provided. God Himself will do the deed. What a picture of Calvary and the covering God has provided for our sins! Rejoice, there is a sacrifice that atones, covers, all of our sins! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house." Acts 16:31. Will you receive Him and be clothed in His righteousness today? If this is your desire, please contact me today.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taming Temptation

Everybody faces temptations. The Bible talks about the sin that so easily besets us in Hebrews 12, while speaking to believers. Getting saved does not mean you will no longer be tempted. In fact, you become a target when you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the Lord also gives His children power to overcome temptation. Not that we will become perfect and sinless. . .because as long as we are in these old bodies of ours, sin will be too present among us. When we are tempted, let's use these three avenues of escape.

1. FLEE when you are tempted in your flesh.

The works of the flesh are mentioned in Galatians 5 right after the fruit of the Spirit. Our flesh, the old sinful nature that we still have, takes natural desires and incites us to fulfill these desires in an ungodly way. Sexual sins, gluttony, laziness, and other sins would be called sins of the flesh.

Joseph illustrates the way to avoid sin when tempted in your flesh. . .HE RAN AWAY! Sometimes we simply put ourselves in bad situations. Stay out of the places that you know will cause you to be tempted. Don't go down to the bar. Don't wander the streets at night. Then there are times when a fleshly temptation comes into our lives and the only recourse we have is to get out of the area. There is nothing wrong with running away. You don't have to stay and try to fight the thing. Get out of there! Joseph ended up in jail by false accusation, but God had been honored and would continue to honor him.

2. Faith overcomes the world.

The world tempts us to get "stuff", to keep up with the Jones', to treasure the things that will not last for eternity. In the Bible the world often refers to a system of thinking and of acting that is contrary to the Lord. "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. . ." 1 John 2:15 says. James 4 warns us that friendship with the world makes us enemies of God.

Be aware. This world is no friend of God!

In order to overcome the world, strengthen your faith. Get into the Word of God and allow it to get into you. Faith overcomes the world. Faith looks at life from God's point of view. Faith sees an eternal perspective that the world avoids. So strengthen your faith. Read, study, memorize, and personalize the Scriptures. Gain a place of faithfulness to church attendance. Away with this hit and miss stuff, your faith will never grow when you are not faithful to God's house. Begin to put the commands of God into practice in your life. Associate with those whose faith is strong. Other Christians can help you see things from God's perspective. Above all, do not neglect your personal Bible time.

3. FIGHT the devil.

The devil is not a figment of your imagination. He is real, and he is your enemy, Christian. How can we ever hope to defeat this master-mind enemy? "Be sober, be vigilant, for your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8. "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you," James says. Ephesians 6 lists our armor as Christians as we fight against the unseen world of spiritual darkness. Our Christianity is also a warfare. "Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before."

Fight the devil by getting as close to God as you can. "Draw nigh to God. . .resist the devil." When we were small children and were frightened or threatened, our answer was to run to daddy or to mom. That was a place we considered safe. When storms come, we often seek out a place of safety. . . a storm cellar or basement. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Let us learn to get closer to Him.

We draw near through the blood of Jesus, and we overcome the devil through the blood of Jesus. We draw nigh to God as we praise Him, and we overcome the enemy through the word of our testimony (praise). We draw near to God as we offer Him sacrifices of selfless worship, yielding ourselves as living sacrifices to Him, and we overcome the devil as we love not our lives even to the death. Revelation 12:11 speaks of the overcomers.

God wants you to be an overcomer. You do not have to sin every time you are tempted. God makes a way of escape according to 1 Corinthians 10:13. Let us not get the idea that we have arrived and cannot fall to temptation, because when you think you can stand, you will certainly fall. Rely upon the Lord's avenues of escape and tame temptation in your life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Middle of January

The frog says, "Time's fun when you're having flies!" Well, time is flying for us all. May we have grace to "Redeem the time". The family is doing well, praise the Lord. We are seeing the Lord work in our lives through submission to His plan. Sometimes, He has us in a place where all we can do is yield. That is the very place He can bless us.

This week's outlines is a topical outline preached in series from 1 Corinthians. From chapter 10, "Christ Our Rock"
1. He is My Rock of Redemption; 2 Samuel 22:47 gives praise to the Lord for being the rock of my salvation.
- We know that Jesus is the door to salvation; John 10:9
- He is the only way to be saved; Acts 4:12; John 14:6
- He saves us and makes us new; 2 Corinthians 5:17. George Beverly Shea was asked one time what he knew, to which he replied, "Not much but I do know Who has changed my life."
- Jesus suffered outside the gate, so that we might be saved and changed; Hebrews 13:12

Our redemption is past, present, and future: Saved from the penalty of sin, from the power of sin, and, soon, from the very presence of sin. 1 John 1:7b ". . .and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son cleasneth us from all sin."

2. He is the Rock of Refreshment and Restoration; Psalm 23:3 says, "He restoreth my soul." Christian, do you find yourself needing this refreshing from the Lord? Remember. . .
- He protects us; Psalm 32:7 says, "Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance." Too often we forget to stop and listen to the music. He is our shelter amidst the storms of life. He makes even the most tenuous position a stronghold. How is it that Saul, the king of Israel, cannot find David as he searches desperately? David is hidden by God. How is it that for three and a half years Ahab cannot locate a very noticeable character named Elijah? God is his refuge and hiding place. He protects us as well.
- He also gives us rest sometimes from the storms, but often in the storms. Psalm 37:7; There is healing and help in our time alone with the Father. Spencer Tracy was asked what he looked for in a script and he said, "Days off." Jesus is the One Who leads us "apart" for seasons of rest and refreshment in the Word and in talking to the Lord.
- He restores my strength. . .Psalm 103:5 makes it clear that our youth can be renewed as we are satisfied in Him. He restoreth my soul. He revives my old, cold heart. He may use a preacher, but He can use a lot of things to do this wonderful heart-softening work.

3. He is the Rock of Resolution; Psalm 40:2 "He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings." He saved me and gave me a purpose. Sometimes Christians are undependable, up and down, but the Lord wants us to be established, to be steadfast, to have a purpose in life. 1 Peter 5:10; Romans 12:1-2; Proverbs 3:5-6. Winston Churchill felt that he was 'walking with destiny' as he took the mantle of premiership in WW2. How much more should we feel this same way as we follow our Lord, as we walk with Him. He is better than an indefinite destiny. He gives fulfillment that so many are looking for at this time. Jeremiah 1:5 shows that God has a purpose for our lives even before we are born. Let's discover His purpose. He wants you to be saved, to be sanctified or set apart to serve Him, and He wants you to be thanking Him for all things. . .thus revealing your trust in Him.

4. He is my Rock of Rejoicing; Isaiah 42:11 ". . .Let the inhabitants of the rock sing." Don't mar your testimony with a long face all the time. I am not one for cheesy grins, but there should be the light of joyin your eye and a ready smile on your lips as you remember who you are in Christ and what you have in Him. Your worst day as a believer is better than a lost person's best day! Have you forgotten to "Delight thyself also in the Lord"? (Psalm 37:4) Colossians 3:2 says "Set your affectoin on things above, not on things on the earth. . ." If we have found this joy of salvation here on earth, we have more than this transitory life to enjoy. One day, and it could be today, the trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ shall arise, and we shall join the ransomed throng at the the throne in Heaven to rejoice in Him forever. Who will be there? The blood-washed ones. Are you one of those who have been washed? If not, you can be. "Come now and let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow, though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." What an invitation! Will you answer?

God bless you today and throughout this week. Set your affection on things above. Pass the love of Christ along to everybody around you.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A New Year and Some New Stuff

This is not a resolution, but it is an attempt to faithfully add something each week to our blog: sermon outlines. Some of them will be a blessing and some of them might not. I am praying that they will help people who are in need spiritually. . .or maybe a preacher could use one or two of them in a pinch.

What To Do In Troubled Times
Genesis 32

1. Jacob's Problem - He had one when he left home and he had that one multiplied when he comes back.
Family problems?
Money problems?
Personal trouble?
Trouble at work? Needing work?
The real question is what shall we do when the troubles come? Job says that man is of few days and full of trouble. We grow up getting into and out of troubles.
The problem Jacob had is one that was bigger than he was. It was life and death. Did you realize that the spiritual problem faced by every person - SIN - is a life and death problem? "For the wages of sin is death. . ." This is the biggest problem that people face. It is the biggest problem that you face. Other problems might be symptoms of the real problem. "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
What shall be done with the problems that are simply out of our reach. We have gone to the well of strength and found it dry. We have gone to the well of knowledge or experience and found them lacking. What shall be done?

2. Jacob's plan. His was an elaborate plan. Wave after wave of a "gift" were sent to Esau. Then the company was divided in hopes that at least one group would survive. Making plans is not wrong. Organization is not wrong, unless we trust in the plan or program instead of the Lord. Then it is wrong. Daniel prayed three times a day. He was organized. It would do us well in the new year to pray three times a day on purpose. David prayed three times a day and praised seven times a day. Maybe our own personal time with God could use some organization. Just beware of trusting in the planning more than the Lord. Even the best of plans can be brought to nothing.

3. Jacob's prayer. Now Jacob is getting on the right track. Notice that his prayer is based upon the covenant of God. His prayer is humbly asked. He speaks to the One he knows has spoken to him. How our praying benefits when we are immersed in the Word of God. Our faith is strengthened and proper boldness enters our praying as we receive the precious and powerful promises God gives in His Word. Prayer must be more than flowery words. Jacob's prayer is directly to the point asking for something specific. Sometimes we suffer because we do not pray. We do not ask. Sometimes we suffer because we ask selfishly.

4. God takes Jacob another step. Notice: Jacob's persistence. Everyone else has passed over the brook except him, and the angel of the Lord meets him and there is a great struggle. Simple praying opens the door to serious struggle with God. God wants to work on the inside of us. He wants to bring about the transformation of our character. So we enter the wrestling arena. All night long, Jacob wrestles with God. He seeks God's blessing. He had stolen Isaac's blessing years before, but he will not steal this blessing. He will pay for it in struggle and in pain. "I will not let thee go!" Where is the perseverance among God's people today. We live in the "instant" society. We want everything fast and easy. Christian, you must be willing to hang on to God. George Mueller prayed for some people for over fifty years before they came to Christ. Will you hang on like that? God doesn't make it any easier when He reaches out and touches Jacob's thigh. Sometimes we have trials to test our resolve. At what level is our faith? With his hip out of joint, Jacob keeps holding on to the One Who is able to truly bless. Never forget the character of the One with whom you wrestle. It will help you while you are holding on to remember that the Lord is good and a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Never forget the patience of God and how He does not reward us according to out iniquities, but accoring to His mercy. Though He touches your hip now, He is the One who will grant your request and then some. Keep holding on!

5. Jacob's prevailing. As the day breaks, the angel of the Lord asks Jacob a strange thing, "What is thy name?" In his relenting to give the blessing, God still requires that we come before Him in transparency. Who are you? All Jacob could do is be honest. All he could do is admit that he was the deceiver, the supplanter, the trickster. What we often miss when we maintain our own righteousness. God knows our hearts. He knows our wickedness! He sees the real us. Yet, He wants us to admit it, too. We live in the Bible belt, where folks could be saved if they would admit they needed saving. We live in the Bible belt were folks could have revival if they would admit that they needed it. Instead churches become social clubs, women's groups run off preachers, and the only church growth you can find are in the places where there is entertainment and no preaching against sin. Will we not hear the voice of God? "What is thy name?" What is it? Hypocrite, Rebel, Liar, Whisperer? Jacob, the deceiver, that is my name. We admit our lowliness, and God begins to act. He changes Jacob's name to Israel - God's Prince. This is grace. Undeserved kindness.

Still however the blessing has not been given. Another aspect must be noted before the blessing is given. Jacob turns the question God has asked him around, "Tell me, I pray thee, thy name." Here is the last doorway to receiving the blessing of God. . .seeking after Him alone. If you want to be saved, you must trust Christ alone. He alone is the way to the Father according to John 14:6 and Acts 4:12. If you want God's blessing in your life, you must seek Him alone. It's nice to have His gifts and such, but He is better than they are. It is nice to enjoy His prospering, but He is better than His good blessings. "Seek my face," He calls to us. Jacob's question concerning the name of his Heavenly Adversary says that Jacob is now, finally interested in the right thing: God's own character. . .Who He is. This is where the victory can be found for every trial. Get up close to Him and find out Who He is. Have you ever wondered why the Lord has the name, "Lily of the valley"?

How can we be blessed in the new year? Colossians 3:1-2 "If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Matthew 6:33 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you."

Seek Him for salvation, and you will have it.
Seek Him for sanctification and you will grow.
Seek Him in service.
Seek Him is separation. . .two ways, from the world, from sin, and unto the Lord.

May God bless you as you enter this new year with your problems that you might wrestle with the Lord until you receive all He has for you. Do not stop short of His blessing. If you need spiritual help or prayer, please feel free to send me and e-mail at Looking forward to hearing from you. God bless you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Where did the lat year go? Talk about time flying. Well, God has given us another day to serve Him. Let's use it to the best of our ability and talent. There are souls to win, lives to touch, people to encourage, songs to be sung, books to be written, and smiles to be distributed.

I don't know what all will happen in this new year. There will be some blessings, some heartaches, some troubles, trials, and tribulation. Whatever comes our way, we have a God Who holds us in the palm of His hand. . .safely. Can you trust Him? Will you?

The challenges for me in 2009 will be different than what you face, but let's trust the Lord and take the challenges. Resolutions are not evil. Paul pressed toward the mark and so should we. So set some goals, work them out down to the daily bite-sized achievable kind, and start today. "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Are they evil? Read the paper and then answer. Let's do our part in redeeming the time God gives us.

Bless you in the New Year!!