Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Do you remember when you met Him? Nobody who meets Him ever forgets it. He makes more of an impact on our lives than anyone else we could ever meet, so how could we forget? In John 4, Jesus met the woman of Samaria at Jacob's well outside of Sychar.

Her conversion was IMMEDIATE

Her conversion was INCREDIBLE

Her conversion was IMPELLING

Neither this woman, or any of the others who came out to the well and met Jesus as Savior, would ever be the same again! How did this conversion happen? Jesus brought this event about.

He came to Sychar on purpose. Just like He came to this world, He "must needs go through Samaria". He came to this earth on purpose. Born of a virgin and thus without sin, Jesus came to pay for my sin and for your sin at the cross. He knew when He came the reason why He came. John the messenger, the forerunner, cried out, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"

Jesus waited at the well for a person. This woman was known to Jesus. I believe that Jesus wants to save the worst person in town, the greatest sinner in town. He did it here, it would seem. He did it over in Jericho when He saved Zachaeus. Jesus is in the soul-saving work. He sent the disciples into the town to find food, but He Himself knew that there was a sinful woman coming out to the well at the time of day when others avoided the heat. He arranges these meetings with individuals ON PURPOSE. He wants to go one-on-one with you today. That is the way people get saved. We have a personal encounter with the Savior. Others may be in the room, but there is only One that matters. Others may be kneeling at the altar, but there is only One Whose voice you hear.

Jesus demonstrated His power. "I that speak unto thee am he," He told the woman. After He had told her all about herself, provoked her to honesty, and discussed real worship, Jesus revealed Himself to her. He minced no words. In one of the most clear exposures of Who Jesus is, He says, "I that speak unto thee am he." He is making it clear beyond a doubt that He is the Christ, the One coming to save! That in itself demonstrates His power, but the power was also applied. Here is a woman who hears Who Jesus is and believes on Him. She leaves her waterpot. She runs back to the city, and tells the men of the city to come out and see a man that had revealed her own heart. She challenged them, "Is not this the Christ?" Jesus' power to reveal and to change hearts and lives is demonstrated in this woman's life, but also in the lives of those who came out and also believed on Him.

He will do the same thing today. If you have not met Him, will you trust Him today? Christ died for our sin. He was buried for three days. He arose and lives forever! Right now you have the opportunity to trust Him to forgive your sin and to make you a brand new creature. Then, you can pass the word along, "Come see a Man!"

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