Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

We just celebrated Memorial Day here in the US. For some this is a time of cookouts and outdoor fun, or maybe even baseball. It is those things, but so much more. Dr. Gene Howard presented his FREEDOM and SACRIFICE message for us at the church Sunday. It was an awesome reminder of the sacrifices made by men and women for our national liberty. Thanks to all of our veterans and their families. Our nation is free today because of those who have willingly laid down their lives for our great freedoms. Let us lay down our own lives so that America might remain free and enjoy the liberties that are granted by the second most precious piece of literature in our history, the U.S. Constitution. (The Holy Bible being the #1)

Our freedom springs from a freedom of the soul. The US Constitution reflects eternal, Biblical truths that form the basis of true liberty. When Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary, He purchased true freedom for all who place their faith in Him. Thank God for America! Thank Him more for our Savior Jesus Christ! Our citizenship is heavenly as well as earthly. Let us be faithful to our Lord and stand up for the Bill of Rights so wisely provided by our founding fathers. Since we enjoy the freedom of religion, let us freely exercise this right. Let's be all that Christians should be. Without this kind of Christianity, real Bible Christianity, we will lose our rights to this free expression. I believe that God wants to bless America again, but not while we lukewarm Christians do no more than warm a pew on Sunday morning. Entertainment has never been the object of Christianity, so let's stop focusing on entertaining and return to real worship of our holy God.

More next week.

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