Several years ago, a wise pastor and missionary set me straight on something. He was asking me where I was and what church I served in as pastor, and I answered that the church was an Independent Baptist Church. . .and I believe that all truly Biblical Baptist churches must maintain their local autonomy as a congregation. Yet, this dear brother's answer gripped me. He said, now remember he had been pastoring for longer than I had been living, that his church was "DEPENDENT".
We are living in a day when people want to be religious, want to "serve God", but they want to do it on their own terms. I cannot find that anywhere in the Bible! I mean folks will come, smile, give, and all of these things while they are the ones who hold the reigns. Woe to the pastor who truly pastors! Woe to the preacher who preaches the truth of the Word of God without favoritism! Woe to the church membership that simply follows and seeks to serve the Lord on His terms! A confrontation is coming. Dr. W.A. Criswell confessed that he believed that from 70 percent to as many as 90 percent of his congregation was not even born again. He admitted to pastoring a group of folks who wanted to serve God, but on their own terms. This is where most church problems come from. May the Lord help us to return to the concept of unconditional surrender, and of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
What are His terms? John the Baptist may have summarized it best when he said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Those who would grow closer to the Lord and be used of Him must experience the Gethsemane Factor: "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine. . .". Let us come willingly and not kickin' and screaming. God's blessings begin where our will ends.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
We Serve a Great Master
As a Christian, it is our privilege to serve the greatest Master. Everybody serves either the Lord Jesus Christ or the enemy of our souls, Satan. Some serve money, things, power, or self, but these are simply other names for serving the devil. As a believer we can serve the King of kings.
Jesus said to call no man Master, or Father since there is only One Lord, Father, and Master. . .God Himself.
We are instructed to simply be LIKE OUR MASTER. The old hymn says, "O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer; this is my constant longing and prayer. . ." A modern chorus breathes this prayer, "Make me more like You, make me more like You, I want Your image to be seen in me. Make me more like You." If Christians lived like the Master, what a difference we would see! Attitudes would be different. Activities would change. Bars would lose some customers. Cigarette companies would lose sales. Families would function as families. . .maybe for the very first time. What a difference, if Christians behaved like the Master. Churches would certainly be different. No more pageantry, pomp, and false piety would be found. No more favoritism towards those who have money or powerful influence would be shown. Maybe the world could be turned right-side-up if Christians once again began to act like the Master.
Our Master knows the estate of His flocks and herds. He knows His sheep and cares for every need. He leads beside still waters and into green pastures. He protects and delivers from danger and from evil. He goes before the flock and fights the battles providing security and safety. All this and Heaven, too! What a wonderful Master! His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Do you know Him? Will you tell someone about Him today?
Jesus said to call no man Master, or Father since there is only One Lord, Father, and Master. . .God Himself.
We are instructed to simply be LIKE OUR MASTER. The old hymn says, "O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer; this is my constant longing and prayer. . ." A modern chorus breathes this prayer, "Make me more like You, make me more like You, I want Your image to be seen in me. Make me more like You." If Christians lived like the Master, what a difference we would see! Attitudes would be different. Activities would change. Bars would lose some customers. Cigarette companies would lose sales. Families would function as families. . .maybe for the very first time. What a difference, if Christians behaved like the Master. Churches would certainly be different. No more pageantry, pomp, and false piety would be found. No more favoritism towards those who have money or powerful influence would be shown. Maybe the world could be turned right-side-up if Christians once again began to act like the Master.
Our Master knows the estate of His flocks and herds. He knows His sheep and cares for every need. He leads beside still waters and into green pastures. He protects and delivers from danger and from evil. He goes before the flock and fights the battles providing security and safety. All this and Heaven, too! What a wonderful Master! His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Do you know Him? Will you tell someone about Him today?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Exceeding Great and Precious Promises
How is it that we partake of the likeness of Jesus Christ? How do we grow more and more into His character and take on more of His attitudes? Peter gives us the answer: through His exceeding great and precious promises.
Let us look at a scenario. A person simply lives his life without a thought of eternity, judgment, or sin (except for the occasional conscience twinge), but then she picks up a tract left on her door. The convicting power of the Holy Spirit moves upon her heart and she is miserable. It gets worse! When it seems like there is no hope for her, a shaft of light comes! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Quietly, she simply trusts what Jesus has done on the cross for her. She is changed instantly! Peace fills her heart. Joy floods her soul! All through the power of a promise from God.
Those who are believers will identify with this lady, but do you realize that the same process goes on in our lives day by day in the formation of the image of Christ in us? We are living our Christian lives, and doing what we know is right, and then the Lord allows a test to come. Problems arise. People do us wrongly. Financial hard times engulf us. It could be a lot of different things. Our prayers get more earnest as the test intensifies until we come across a verse of Scripture with a precious promise. Our heart's feel the warmth of God's embrace and our joy comes again even though the trial still surrounds us. Praise bursts from our lips! Others now see Jesus more in our lives than they ever have before, and the truth that Peter speaks of is confirmed. "That by these. . .," precious promises, we are made partakers of the divine nature.
If you find yourself in the testing time, or perhaps under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, look to the Word of God for one powerful, precious promise.
Let us look at a scenario. A person simply lives his life without a thought of eternity, judgment, or sin (except for the occasional conscience twinge), but then she picks up a tract left on her door. The convicting power of the Holy Spirit moves upon her heart and she is miserable. It gets worse! When it seems like there is no hope for her, a shaft of light comes! "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved." Quietly, she simply trusts what Jesus has done on the cross for her. She is changed instantly! Peace fills her heart. Joy floods her soul! All through the power of a promise from God.
Those who are believers will identify with this lady, but do you realize that the same process goes on in our lives day by day in the formation of the image of Christ in us? We are living our Christian lives, and doing what we know is right, and then the Lord allows a test to come. Problems arise. People do us wrongly. Financial hard times engulf us. It could be a lot of different things. Our prayers get more earnest as the test intensifies until we come across a verse of Scripture with a precious promise. Our heart's feel the warmth of God's embrace and our joy comes again even though the trial still surrounds us. Praise bursts from our lips! Others now see Jesus more in our lives than they ever have before, and the truth that Peter speaks of is confirmed. "That by these. . .," precious promises, we are made partakers of the divine nature.
If you find yourself in the testing time, or perhaps under the convicting power of the Holy Spirit, look to the Word of God for one powerful, precious promise.
Monday, November 10, 2008
What to do in Transitional Times
There is no doubt we are living in times of transition. Change - perhaps more than we would like to consider - is upon us. What will happen? How will our freedoms be affected? Uncertainty seems the certainly. Friends are losing their jobs. The economy reals and old "fixes" don't help. What can help us?
Take a fresh look at the Lord. Isaiah did in Isaiah chapter six. What he saw provided strength to go forward into the times of change. He saw One Who is unaffected by changes on earth. He saw the One Who rules and overrules in the affairs of mankind. He saw ultimate holiness incarnate. The angels chorused around His throne, and the temple shook and filled with smoke. It is still an awesome sight. Ask God for a fresh vision of who He is. Read again the passages in the Bible that describe the glory of God. Read Moses' meeting with God in the desert in Exodus. Review Ezekiel's visions in Ezekiel chapter one. Walk the dusty paths with the disciples through the Gospel accounts of the life of the Lamb Who appears again in Revelation chapters 1, 4, 5, and 19. You will experience several things.
First, as you look again at the Lord, you will be convicted. Peter recognized that Jesus was more than a human teacher and cried, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man O Lord!" Isaiah said, "Woe is me!" When the glory of God overwhlems you, and you again see the sin in your heart in stark relief to His holiness, He can cleanse you. He will when you ask Him to.
Next, you cannot help but be encouraged. God, Whose throne is above all thrones, wins. The old king had died, the new king was a question mark, but God changes not. There is a deep settling effect from this truth. Strength, peace, and hope cannot fail in this revelation.
When the cleansing is accomplished and the encouragement floods our hearts, we can also hear something else. A voice is calling to us right now at the time of transition. This voice can only be heard by those who have come clean before God and taken strength from His appearance. "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Do you hear this calling? Jesus told His disciples to lift up their eyes and look for the fields were ready to harvest. It remains true today. Hear the call and say, "Here am I!" Next door and around the world people are dying without having heard of the love of God and Christ's atoning sacrifice. Who will go but those who have once again seen the King of kings? Will you look into the pages of the Scriptures, meditate on the Person of the Savior, hear the call, and respond?
Take a fresh look at the Lord. Isaiah did in Isaiah chapter six. What he saw provided strength to go forward into the times of change. He saw One Who is unaffected by changes on earth. He saw the One Who rules and overrules in the affairs of mankind. He saw ultimate holiness incarnate. The angels chorused around His throne, and the temple shook and filled with smoke. It is still an awesome sight. Ask God for a fresh vision of who He is. Read again the passages in the Bible that describe the glory of God. Read Moses' meeting with God in the desert in Exodus. Review Ezekiel's visions in Ezekiel chapter one. Walk the dusty paths with the disciples through the Gospel accounts of the life of the Lamb Who appears again in Revelation chapters 1, 4, 5, and 19. You will experience several things.
First, as you look again at the Lord, you will be convicted. Peter recognized that Jesus was more than a human teacher and cried, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man O Lord!" Isaiah said, "Woe is me!" When the glory of God overwhlems you, and you again see the sin in your heart in stark relief to His holiness, He can cleanse you. He will when you ask Him to.
Next, you cannot help but be encouraged. God, Whose throne is above all thrones, wins. The old king had died, the new king was a question mark, but God changes not. There is a deep settling effect from this truth. Strength, peace, and hope cannot fail in this revelation.
When the cleansing is accomplished and the encouragement floods our hearts, we can also hear something else. A voice is calling to us right now at the time of transition. This voice can only be heard by those who have come clean before God and taken strength from His appearance. "Whom shall I send and who will go for us?" Do you hear this calling? Jesus told His disciples to lift up their eyes and look for the fields were ready to harvest. It remains true today. Hear the call and say, "Here am I!" Next door and around the world people are dying without having heard of the love of God and Christ's atoning sacrifice. Who will go but those who have once again seen the King of kings? Will you look into the pages of the Scriptures, meditate on the Person of the Savior, hear the call, and respond?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Covering Your Tracks
King David loved the Lord, but fell into sin and then tried to cover his tracks. Achan loved stuff, took things that belonged to the Lord, and then tried to cover his tracks. Ananias and his cooperative wife kept back part of the money received from the sale of their property. Then they tried to cover their tracks and continue to appear spiritual before other church folk. "Be sure your sin will find you out," cannot be avoided no matter how hard we work to "cover our tracks".
I am just glad that the opposite is also true. When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He has made a covering for sin. The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from ALL sin. So instead of covering up, take your sin to the Lord, tell Him all about it. Repent. He will forgive. Jesus has already made the payment for all of our sins. He will cover you, if you will ask Him.
I am just glad that the opposite is also true. When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He has made a covering for sin. The blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from ALL sin. So instead of covering up, take your sin to the Lord, tell Him all about it. Repent. He will forgive. Jesus has already made the payment for all of our sins. He will cover you, if you will ask Him.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Something Better
Knowledge can be a wonderful thing! You would expect to hear this from a teacher. You might not expect to hear that knowledge can also be a dangerous thing, or that there is something better than knowledge.
Of course knowledge can be a good thing and we need it in order to operate from day to day. Sometimes knowledge simply creates a better criminal. At other times knowledge makes a humble Christian into a puffed up unusable servant. There is something that must accompany our knowledge in order for it to be a benefit. You realize that there are many well-educated people who have been greatly and are being greatly used by God. At the same time, there are others who have not had educational opportunities, but these are still being greatly used by God. The knowledge levels can vary, but the charity level cannot.
Knowledge can make us proud, but charity builds us up. Let's focus a little more on building people up. Let's take some time to send a card or letter, make a phone call, mail a check to a missionary or preacher in need, or spend time helping a needy child. May the character of God's love fill and flow through our lives. Our homes sure need this atmosphere. Churches are cold, dead, and dry because there is selfishness instead of true Bible love abounding. We are at a low level of real agape love.
"Charity suffereth long and is kind, charity envieth not. . .." Read those familiar verses from 1 Corinthians 13 again. Ask God to enable you to be a builder again, to touch others' lives with God's love.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Have a blessed week!
Of course knowledge can be a good thing and we need it in order to operate from day to day. Sometimes knowledge simply creates a better criminal. At other times knowledge makes a humble Christian into a puffed up unusable servant. There is something that must accompany our knowledge in order for it to be a benefit. You realize that there are many well-educated people who have been greatly and are being greatly used by God. At the same time, there are others who have not had educational opportunities, but these are still being greatly used by God. The knowledge levels can vary, but the charity level cannot.
Knowledge can make us proud, but charity builds us up. Let's focus a little more on building people up. Let's take some time to send a card or letter, make a phone call, mail a check to a missionary or preacher in need, or spend time helping a needy child. May the character of God's love fill and flow through our lives. Our homes sure need this atmosphere. Churches are cold, dead, and dry because there is selfishness instead of true Bible love abounding. We are at a low level of real agape love.
"Charity suffereth long and is kind, charity envieth not. . .." Read those familiar verses from 1 Corinthians 13 again. Ask God to enable you to be a builder again, to touch others' lives with God's love.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
Have a blessed week!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Satan Always Lying on God
This past weekend we enjoyed a great youth rally with Brother Donald Scully and his church and in Corinth. His speaker, Brother Glaceau, brought out some great truths concerning how the old devil tries to work us over and destroy us. His purpose is to destroy us, and his plan is to deceive us. He lies in order to bring about our destruction. What kinds of lies has he been using since the Garden of Eden?
He wants us to have wrong thoughts about the God we serve. He want sus to believe that God is holding out on us, and that there is something more we could have, if God were a good God. So he pointed out the forbidden fruit to Eve. When he does this to us, and he does, we must be reminding ourselves of the blessings of God. All Eve had to do was to point out the many good things God had for her and Adam. Like her somtimes we fail to appreciate the things God has given us. I am convinced that one of the major reasons why we are led into sin is ingratitude towards God for what we have. Read Romans 1 and you will find this truth, "Neither were thankful."
The devil wants to discredit the goodness of God. Would you stop and think: God knows all about you and me, yet He loves us more than we could ever earn or deserve. Does that not sound like a good, good God? Would you stop for a moment and give Him some praise? Read Psalm 103 once again. Let's stop buying the devil's lies and begin to exalt our God for His wondrous goodness. God is not holding out on you. He has already given Heaven's best so that you and I could be His children. We serve an awesome God!
He wants us to have wrong thoughts about the God we serve. He want sus to believe that God is holding out on us, and that there is something more we could have, if God were a good God. So he pointed out the forbidden fruit to Eve. When he does this to us, and he does, we must be reminding ourselves of the blessings of God. All Eve had to do was to point out the many good things God had for her and Adam. Like her somtimes we fail to appreciate the things God has given us. I am convinced that one of the major reasons why we are led into sin is ingratitude towards God for what we have. Read Romans 1 and you will find this truth, "Neither were thankful."
The devil wants to discredit the goodness of God. Would you stop and think: God knows all about you and me, yet He loves us more than we could ever earn or deserve. Does that not sound like a good, good God? Would you stop for a moment and give Him some praise? Read Psalm 103 once again. Let's stop buying the devil's lies and begin to exalt our God for His wondrous goodness. God is not holding out on you. He has already given Heaven's best so that you and I could be His children. We serve an awesome God!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What a Promise!
At the close of Matthew's Gospel, we find the Great Commission. It is more than a closing we find here since it also makes a transition. Jesus' work on earth has been completed for now, but our has not. All authority has been given to Him, all power, and now we are sent out under that authority to tell the good news! We are told to be baptizing believers, and to teach them to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. Isn't it great to have a purpose?! Are you involved in this great work in some way?
With this directive comes a great promise. It is not the promise of ease. Nor is it the promise of health, or wealth. No. The promise given is better than any of these. "I am with you alway." He has promised His presence, His companionship, His availability to us ALL THE TIME. This thought helps me. Paul could learn to be content in every condition financially because Jesus was with him. Steven, while being battered to death, looked up and, with the glow of Heaven on his face, saw Jesus standing to welcome him. There is great comfort in the presence of the Lord. He gives us courage. He is with us to guard, to guide, and to give us what we need. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for THOU ART WITH ME. . ." Are you resting in this assurance as you involve yourself in the purpose of God?
With this directive comes a great promise. It is not the promise of ease. Nor is it the promise of health, or wealth. No. The promise given is better than any of these. "I am with you alway." He has promised His presence, His companionship, His availability to us ALL THE TIME. This thought helps me. Paul could learn to be content in every condition financially because Jesus was with him. Steven, while being battered to death, looked up and, with the glow of Heaven on his face, saw Jesus standing to welcome him. There is great comfort in the presence of the Lord. He gives us courage. He is with us to guard, to guide, and to give us what we need. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for THOU ART WITH ME. . ." Are you resting in this assurance as you involve yourself in the purpose of God?
Monday, October 6, 2008
A Borrowed Outline
Maybe all outlines are borrowed. Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun. This outlines comes from Steven Olford, the South African preacher who pastored here in the United States and graduated to Heaven just a couple of years ago. He was a strong proponent of expository preaching who carried the fire of God in his heart.
I will entitle the outline: Why We Need Revival
1. We need revival in order to restrain the righteous anger of God.
2. We need revival to restore a conscious awareness of God.
3. We need revival to reveal the gracious activity of God.
Most of the time we refer to revival and think of a revival meeting, but I am not sure that this is what Dr. Olford refers to. It could include that, but think of these points while applying them personally. Instead of the "WE", let's make it, "I". The old spiritual says it well, "It's not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O Lord, standin' in the need of prayer."
It is time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness down upon us. May God bless you as you pray and seek Him today.
I will entitle the outline: Why We Need Revival
1. We need revival in order to restrain the righteous anger of God.
2. We need revival to restore a conscious awareness of God.
3. We need revival to reveal the gracious activity of God.
Most of the time we refer to revival and think of a revival meeting, but I am not sure that this is what Dr. Olford refers to. It could include that, but think of these points while applying them personally. Instead of the "WE", let's make it, "I". The old spiritual says it well, "It's not my brother, nor my sister, but it's me, O Lord, standin' in the need of prayer."
It is time to seek the Lord until He comes and rains righteousness down upon us. May God bless you as you pray and seek Him today.
Monday, September 29, 2008
This Saturday at our home, we will host a two-class combined fellowship. Mitch's class and ours will join together for this activity. Bring something to grill. Bring one other dish, too. I think that is what Brenda has told some folks. Also, bring a friend or a family of friends. Plans are to start the grill at 5:00 PM. We won't start to eat until around 6:00 or so. Mitch works until around this time, and Spence will be working late, too. We would love to have a huge crowd. Call me if you have any questions about this. SEE YA HERE!!
"The Lord Stood With Me"
What a comfort to know that when people fail, God will not. When people forsake, God does not. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:16-17 "At my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me. . .Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me. . .". Demas had forsaken Paul. Alexander had done some kind of harmful and hurtful work. On top of that, others disappointed Paul when he stood to give an answer for the faith. Sometimes similar things happen in our own lives. While we are standing for the Lord, we do not receive the support from the people we had counted on to "be there", or who had promised to stick by us.
The good news we must remember is that the Lord stands with us. He gives strength when we are weak. He gives help in the tests and trials as well as a way of escape in the temptations. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble," Psalm 46:1 says. He stands with us to strengthen us. What is your area of weakness? Isaiah 25:4 says, "For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat. . ." When we are weak, we can be strong because He stands with us.
I just got back from a hospital visit. A young man, named Justin (22) has cancer of a very malignant type. Pray for him. He was getting a chemo port put in this morning. I was encouraged though because on the door of his room was this verse, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Justin will find, as he trusts in the Lord, that God will stand by him during this trial. It made all of my present trial seem very small to tell you the truth. So, instead of griping about the problems and other people, let's rejoice in the fact that when people fail, the Lord Himself stands with those who stand for Him. He stnad ready to help those who stand in need. He gives us strength when we are weak. His supply will not fail and His faithfulness is new every morning. Rejoice!
The good news we must remember is that the Lord stands with us. He gives strength when we are weak. He gives help in the tests and trials as well as a way of escape in the temptations. "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble," Psalm 46:1 says. He stands with us to strengthen us. What is your area of weakness? Isaiah 25:4 says, "For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat. . ." When we are weak, we can be strong because He stands with us.
I just got back from a hospital visit. A young man, named Justin (22) has cancer of a very malignant type. Pray for him. He was getting a chemo port put in this morning. I was encouraged though because on the door of his room was this verse, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Justin will find, as he trusts in the Lord, that God will stand by him during this trial. It made all of my present trial seem very small to tell you the truth. So, instead of griping about the problems and other people, let's rejoice in the fact that when people fail, the Lord Himself stands with those who stand for Him. He stnad ready to help those who stand in need. He gives us strength when we are weak. His supply will not fail and His faithfulness is new every morning. Rejoice!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
What We Find at Calvary
"And sitting down they watched him there," Matthew's Gospel records. But what did these people see? Some thought - a failure. Others - a victory. What do we find at Calvary? Three observations: God's Powerful Sovereignty, God's Perfect Holiness, and God's Passionate Love.
No matter what the devil did, he could not stop the plan of God for the salvation of mankind. He could try to detour the plan as in the days of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. No success. He could try to defile the plan as he did when tempting Jesus in the wilderness. No success. He could seek to destroy the Savior as he did when Herod ordered the deaths of the innocents in Bethlehem. God's plans will not be thwarted by the devil or anybody else. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. When you look at Calvary, remember this.
God's holiness is perfect. No other sacrifice would satisfy the holiness of God! The blood of bulls and goats could do nothing to take away sins, they simply pointed to the coming perfect sacrifice, Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus satisfies the Father according to Isaiah 53. "He shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied." As good as a person can be, they can never be good enough to satisfy God's demands. God calls for perfection. God calls for holiness on our part. In doing so, He levels the playing field because none are righteous, no not one. People who are religious need the Savior just as do those who are heathens. Jesus is that perfect sacrifice for sin, once for all. God's holiness is both revealed and satisfied at Calvary.
At Calvary, we see a powerful sovereignty of God, the perfect holiness of God, and finally we see the Passionate Love of God. Never forget it: GOD LOVES YOU. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. When you are tempted to wonder if anybody really cares about you, look again at Calvary! It is there that God's love shines brightest. You can have no doubt of His love, when you see all that He endured for you. "But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.
Every day, take a tour past the cross. Read again the Gospel accounts. Read Psalm 22 or Isaiah 53. Meditate in Hebrews chapters 9 and 10. What a wonderful Savior we have!!
No matter what the devil did, he could not stop the plan of God for the salvation of mankind. He could try to detour the plan as in the days of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. No success. He could try to defile the plan as he did when tempting Jesus in the wilderness. No success. He could seek to destroy the Savior as he did when Herod ordered the deaths of the innocents in Bethlehem. God's plans will not be thwarted by the devil or anybody else. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. When you look at Calvary, remember this.
God's holiness is perfect. No other sacrifice would satisfy the holiness of God! The blood of bulls and goats could do nothing to take away sins, they simply pointed to the coming perfect sacrifice, Jesus, the Lamb of God. Jesus satisfies the Father according to Isaiah 53. "He shall see the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied." As good as a person can be, they can never be good enough to satisfy God's demands. God calls for perfection. God calls for holiness on our part. In doing so, He levels the playing field because none are righteous, no not one. People who are religious need the Savior just as do those who are heathens. Jesus is that perfect sacrifice for sin, once for all. God's holiness is both revealed and satisfied at Calvary.
At Calvary, we see a powerful sovereignty of God, the perfect holiness of God, and finally we see the Passionate Love of God. Never forget it: GOD LOVES YOU. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16. When you are tempted to wonder if anybody really cares about you, look again at Calvary! It is there that God's love shines brightest. You can have no doubt of His love, when you see all that He endured for you. "But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8.
Every day, take a tour past the cross. Read again the Gospel accounts. Read Psalm 22 or Isaiah 53. Meditate in Hebrews chapters 9 and 10. What a wonderful Savior we have!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Transparency, honesty, openness these are what God is asking. For those who want to be cleansed, these are not an option. They are a requirement. Notice that there is nothing to be said about whether or not God is right in His evaluation of our condition or our action. He is always right. It is our part to agree with Him, and in that open, honest assessment, we will find forgiveness.
Too often we rationalize instead of agree. Or we shift the blame to our parents or great-grandparents, or cousins once removed, or David Letterman, or whoever. There are times when we flatly disagree with God's Word and God's standards. It does not change the fact: we can be forgiven if, and only if, we are willing to get on God's terms. Oh, the relief! What a wonder to be forgiven by the One Who will be our Judge. "Blessed is the man. . ." Psalm 32:1 says. Are you among the blessed who have been forgiven? If not, you can be. You can be when you confess your sins to Him.
Transparency, honesty, openness these are what God is asking. For those who want to be cleansed, these are not an option. They are a requirement. Notice that there is nothing to be said about whether or not God is right in His evaluation of our condition or our action. He is always right. It is our part to agree with Him, and in that open, honest assessment, we will find forgiveness.
Too often we rationalize instead of agree. Or we shift the blame to our parents or great-grandparents, or cousins once removed, or David Letterman, or whoever. There are times when we flatly disagree with God's Word and God's standards. It does not change the fact: we can be forgiven if, and only if, we are willing to get on God's terms. Oh, the relief! What a wonder to be forgiven by the One Who will be our Judge. "Blessed is the man. . ." Psalm 32:1 says. Are you among the blessed who have been forgiven? If not, you can be. You can be when you confess your sins to Him.
Monday, September 1, 2008
"There is not a man. . ."
The Chaldean wise men were trying to get out of a bad situation. Their king demanded not only an interpretation of his dream, but also that they be able to tell them the dream that he had forgotten! Tall order. While they were trying to weasel their way out of the tight spot, they make a statement that is very true. "There is not a man upon the earth that can shew the king's matter:. . ."
They had it right. There are certain things that men cannot do. No man can save his own soul. No man can earn his way into Heaven. No man can please God without faith. No man can be saved unless he will call upon the name of the Lord. There are so many things. The good news is this: God does not require of you what you canot do. In fact, God provides for you what you cannot do. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works least any man should boast."
Daniel's response reflects his vibrant faith. "The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king: BUT THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN that revealeth secrets. . ." Thank God! "There is a God in Heaven!!" Do you have this assurance today? Is He real to you? He can be. If you will turn, by faith, from your sin and your self unto the Lord who has done, and can do what no man can do, HE WILL SAVE YOU. If you have already tusted Him, He will hear and answer your prayers. The best witness that we have as believers in Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him is that we get our prayers answered. I hope that you are in touch with the living God Who knows all about you and still loves you.
Have a blessed day getting to know Him better.
Brother Mike
They had it right. There are certain things that men cannot do. No man can save his own soul. No man can earn his way into Heaven. No man can please God without faith. No man can be saved unless he will call upon the name of the Lord. There are so many things. The good news is this: God does not require of you what you canot do. In fact, God provides for you what you cannot do. "For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works least any man should boast."
Daniel's response reflects his vibrant faith. "The secret which the king hath demanded cannot the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians, the soothsayers, shew unto the king: BUT THERE IS A GOD IN HEAVEN that revealeth secrets. . ." Thank God! "There is a God in Heaven!!" Do you have this assurance today? Is He real to you? He can be. If you will turn, by faith, from your sin and your self unto the Lord who has done, and can do what no man can do, HE WILL SAVE YOU. If you have already tusted Him, He will hear and answer your prayers. The best witness that we have as believers in Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him is that we get our prayers answered. I hope that you are in touch with the living God Who knows all about you and still loves you.
Have a blessed day getting to know Him better.
Brother Mike
Heritage Academy 08-09!
We are under way here in Tupelo, MS!! It is exciting to see students who have goals and also the determination and character to reach those goals. Well, we are working on all of that. All of our new students this year are distance learning students whose paretns are in full-time Christian work. We asked for five more students, but did not specify that they should be resident students. God gave us the students! Praise the Lord. There is still room for a few more who are resident students. Add that to your list, please, prayer warriors.
Cari is working on a blog page for Heritage Academy. Check it out at You will like it. There are links from there to other sites of interest. Soon there will be an up-dated webpage for the school, too. The blog may be more interesting, but there will be some vital information and calendar stuff on the website.
I will also be using this blog for our weekly devotional. Stay tuned!
I love ya'll! Stay in touch with the Lord and with us!
Brother Mike
Cari is working on a blog page for Heritage Academy. Check it out at You will like it. There are links from there to other sites of interest. Soon there will be an up-dated webpage for the school, too. The blog may be more interesting, but there will be some vital information and calendar stuff on the website.
I will also be using this blog for our weekly devotional. Stay tuned!
I love ya'll! Stay in touch with the Lord and with us!
Brother Mike
Monday, July 28, 2008
"Men ought always to pray and not to faint."
I have several prayer requests for you to bring before the Lord today:
- Todd Clardy, 18 yr old who is in ICU and in critical condition following an auto accident the day after his birthday. His parents, Lonnie and Teresa are a sweet Christian couple from down in Caledonia, MS.
- DAD Sauvageot - having serious back trouble and waiting for the results form an MRI he had done last week. . .pray for Mama, too.
- Susan and Trevor Sauvageot are staying with their Sauvageot grandparents for a few days then will be heading back to Australia. We have had a great time with them this summer.
- Peggy Box - broken foot while she is away from home.
- Heritage Academy preparing for the new year.
- Wildwood Baptist Church - God has given us some good service lately. He is cleaning us up so that we can go forward for Him. We are praying that the devil will not gain an advantage on any of the church folks and that the Lord would give us an increase. We will trust Him to do this for us as we simply plant and water. Isn't it great to be laboring together with God?
- A young lady named Brandi has relocated to a Christian rehab home. Pray for her as she continues to grow in the Lord. This is a great step for her.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Slow Down Summer!
This month has been a blur! ACE International Student Convention, Vacation Bible School, Youth Camp, and we are just now getting to catch a breath. It has been good though. ISC was a week of good preaching and good fellowship with the family and friends we had not seen in a while. It was especially good to see several of our Australian aquaintances again.
VBS - space theme - went well. We tried some new things and God blessed. Many made decisions for the Lord during the week. We especially thank God for the workers who were willing to get involved each day. Thanks to all of them!
Teen Camp week was interrupted for Brenda and I as we returned home for the funeral of a dear brother in Christ, Robert Sandefur. Robert had suffered from lung troubles and liver cancer. He was ready to go Home, but we continue to pray for his family especially his wife of over 50 years, Elois. Returning to camp. Sand Mountain Bible Camp's board selected a new Camp Director: Duane Moore, evangelist from Georgia. We did have a good week. The Lord gave unusual liberty to the preachers. Many did business with God. God touched our hearts and renewed our vision as well.
We are praying about opportunities for a summer mission trip next year for the youth at Wildwood. Please pray with us in this matter. We want God's direction as we seek to serve Him and encourage others in their walk with Him.
Brother Bridges has asked me to preach on Sunday mornings. The Lord has laid 1 Corinthians chapter 1 on my heart so far. He is working in hearts for which we give Him all the credit and the glory. Sunday morning some that the preacher has been counselling recently came forward during the invitation to make things right with God. That blessed all of our hearts. They were back Sunday night which is a good sign, too. Pray for the ministry here at Wildwood. We want Him to work in a mighty way to save souls and to draw Christians into a close walk of fellowship and service for Him.
Well, your summer may be going faster than ours. We aren't complaining, just asking God for strength, wisdom, and His blessings.
VBS - space theme - went well. We tried some new things and God blessed. Many made decisions for the Lord during the week. We especially thank God for the workers who were willing to get involved each day. Thanks to all of them!
Teen Camp week was interrupted for Brenda and I as we returned home for the funeral of a dear brother in Christ, Robert Sandefur. Robert had suffered from lung troubles and liver cancer. He was ready to go Home, but we continue to pray for his family especially his wife of over 50 years, Elois. Returning to camp. Sand Mountain Bible Camp's board selected a new Camp Director: Duane Moore, evangelist from Georgia. We did have a good week. The Lord gave unusual liberty to the preachers. Many did business with God. God touched our hearts and renewed our vision as well.
We are praying about opportunities for a summer mission trip next year for the youth at Wildwood. Please pray with us in this matter. We want God's direction as we seek to serve Him and encourage others in their walk with Him.
Brother Bridges has asked me to preach on Sunday mornings. The Lord has laid 1 Corinthians chapter 1 on my heart so far. He is working in hearts for which we give Him all the credit and the glory. Sunday morning some that the preacher has been counselling recently came forward during the invitation to make things right with God. That blessed all of our hearts. They were back Sunday night which is a good sign, too. Pray for the ministry here at Wildwood. We want Him to work in a mighty way to save souls and to draw Christians into a close walk of fellowship and service for Him.
Well, your summer may be going faster than ours. We aren't complaining, just asking God for strength, wisdom, and His blessings.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A beautiful day in the neighborhood, Tupelo, MS. School as normal and a little horticulture mixed in as the students went and helped plant some green beans. The white tomatoes given to us by a friend in Missouri are beginning to come up. To these we have added some red and yellow tomato plants so our harvest should be colorful.
Mike and Brenda went dating last night! Olive Garden provided the food. We had a relaxing time and went to Lowe's afterwards. The kids did their normal Monday night pickin' with Brother Mitch Robbins.
Brother Terry Herndon, our friend and leader of our Wildwood's Reformer's Unanimous program, has a birthday today. If you know him, let him hear from you.
Steve and Jennie's blog has been updated, too. They have a lot of neat pictures of some of our friends from Indiana. We are a bit jealous in a good way. :-)
Mike and Brenda went dating last night! Olive Garden provided the food. We had a relaxing time and went to Lowe's afterwards. The kids did their normal Monday night pickin' with Brother Mitch Robbins.
Brother Terry Herndon, our friend and leader of our Wildwood's Reformer's Unanimous program, has a birthday today. If you know him, let him hear from you.
Steve and Jennie's blog has been updated, too. They have a lot of neat pictures of some of our friends from Indiana. We are a bit jealous in a good way. :-)
Friday, April 25, 2008
First Blog
You have to start somewhere. This blog represents the Sauvageot family American, southern version where ya'll is singular and all ya'll is plural.
Introductions are in order.
Mike, the husband and daddy, aged like sharp, sharp, sharp cheddar. Mike helps pastor the Wildwood Baptist Church of Tupelo, MS. He is also the principal of Heritage Academy.
Brenda, our sweet wife and Mamma. Mamma teaches at Heritage Academy, teaches piano and voice lessons, and keeps track of Daddy. She is the sweetness of the family, the jelly of this PBJ.
Cari, our daughter is 20 and taking courses in college. She is praying about what the Lord would have her do and leans toward mission work. She is an accomplished musician and singer, helps with a Sunday School class, and teaches at Heritage Academy, too. She also is very pretty like her mother.
Caleb, our baby boy, graduated last May. He stands 6'5" and weighs 235 lbs. While he does not play linebacker, he does preach a pretty powerful message when he preaches. God is leading Caleb into ministry and has already blessed his work. He teaches PE, teaches guitar lessons, teaches a Sunday School class, and is an intern at Wildwood Baptist.
Steve and Jennie Sauvageot and their family from Australia were just with us for almost a week. We had such a good time!! Along with all of the great food we enjoyed, we also reintroduced ourselves to the game of golf. That will have to be a blog for another time.
The Sauvageot's from "Down Under" are expecting their sixth child. Pray for them as they travel and visit churches while they are here in the US. The grandparents are certainly excited, too.
Introductions are in order.
Mike, the husband and daddy, aged like sharp, sharp, sharp cheddar. Mike helps pastor the Wildwood Baptist Church of Tupelo, MS. He is also the principal of Heritage Academy.
Brenda, our sweet wife and Mamma. Mamma teaches at Heritage Academy, teaches piano and voice lessons, and keeps track of Daddy. She is the sweetness of the family, the jelly of this PBJ.
Cari, our daughter is 20 and taking courses in college. She is praying about what the Lord would have her do and leans toward mission work. She is an accomplished musician and singer, helps with a Sunday School class, and teaches at Heritage Academy, too. She also is very pretty like her mother.
Caleb, our baby boy, graduated last May. He stands 6'5" and weighs 235 lbs. While he does not play linebacker, he does preach a pretty powerful message when he preaches. God is leading Caleb into ministry and has already blessed his work. He teaches PE, teaches guitar lessons, teaches a Sunday School class, and is an intern at Wildwood Baptist.
Steve and Jennie Sauvageot and their family from Australia were just with us for almost a week. We had such a good time!! Along with all of the great food we enjoyed, we also reintroduced ourselves to the game of golf. That will have to be a blog for another time.
The Sauvageot's from "Down Under" are expecting their sixth child. Pray for them as they travel and visit churches while they are here in the US. The grandparents are certainly excited, too.
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