Several years ago, a wise pastor and missionary set me straight on something. He was asking me where I was and what church I served in as pastor, and I answered that the church was an Independent Baptist Church. . .and I believe that all truly Biblical Baptist churches must maintain their local autonomy as a congregation. Yet, this dear brother's answer gripped me. He said, now remember he had been pastoring for longer than I had been living, that his church was "DEPENDENT".
We are living in a day when people want to be religious, want to "serve God", but they want to do it on their own terms. I cannot find that anywhere in the Bible! I mean folks will come, smile, give, and all of these things while they are the ones who hold the reigns. Woe to the pastor who truly pastors! Woe to the preacher who preaches the truth of the Word of God without favoritism! Woe to the church membership that simply follows and seeks to serve the Lord on His terms! A confrontation is coming. Dr. W.A. Criswell confessed that he believed that from 70 percent to as many as 90 percent of his congregation was not even born again. He admitted to pastoring a group of folks who wanted to serve God, but on their own terms. This is where most church problems come from. May the Lord help us to return to the concept of unconditional surrender, and of the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
What are His terms? John the Baptist may have summarized it best when he said, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Those who would grow closer to the Lord and be used of Him must experience the Gethsemane Factor: "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine. . .". Let us come willingly and not kickin' and screaming. God's blessings begin where our will ends.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
We Serve a Great Master
As a Christian, it is our privilege to serve the greatest Master. Everybody serves either the Lord Jesus Christ or the enemy of our souls, Satan. Some serve money, things, power, or self, but these are simply other names for serving the devil. As a believer we can serve the King of kings.
Jesus said to call no man Master, or Father since there is only One Lord, Father, and Master. . .God Himself.
We are instructed to simply be LIKE OUR MASTER. The old hymn says, "O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer; this is my constant longing and prayer. . ." A modern chorus breathes this prayer, "Make me more like You, make me more like You, I want Your image to be seen in me. Make me more like You." If Christians lived like the Master, what a difference we would see! Attitudes would be different. Activities would change. Bars would lose some customers. Cigarette companies would lose sales. Families would function as families. . .maybe for the very first time. What a difference, if Christians behaved like the Master. Churches would certainly be different. No more pageantry, pomp, and false piety would be found. No more favoritism towards those who have money or powerful influence would be shown. Maybe the world could be turned right-side-up if Christians once again began to act like the Master.
Our Master knows the estate of His flocks and herds. He knows His sheep and cares for every need. He leads beside still waters and into green pastures. He protects and delivers from danger and from evil. He goes before the flock and fights the battles providing security and safety. All this and Heaven, too! What a wonderful Master! His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Do you know Him? Will you tell someone about Him today?
Jesus said to call no man Master, or Father since there is only One Lord, Father, and Master. . .God Himself.
We are instructed to simply be LIKE OUR MASTER. The old hymn says, "O to be like Thee, Blessed Redeemer; this is my constant longing and prayer. . ." A modern chorus breathes this prayer, "Make me more like You, make me more like You, I want Your image to be seen in me. Make me more like You." If Christians lived like the Master, what a difference we would see! Attitudes would be different. Activities would change. Bars would lose some customers. Cigarette companies would lose sales. Families would function as families. . .maybe for the very first time. What a difference, if Christians behaved like the Master. Churches would certainly be different. No more pageantry, pomp, and false piety would be found. No more favoritism towards those who have money or powerful influence would be shown. Maybe the world could be turned right-side-up if Christians once again began to act like the Master.
Our Master knows the estate of His flocks and herds. He knows His sheep and cares for every need. He leads beside still waters and into green pastures. He protects and delivers from danger and from evil. He goes before the flock and fights the battles providing security and safety. All this and Heaven, too! What a wonderful Master! His yoke is easy and His burden is light.
Do you know Him? Will you tell someone about Him today?
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