Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wow! It's Wednesday Already.

Sometimes there are just too many things to do. :-) We are having a very busy week this week. School will be over for the term on Thursday night. FREEDOM RALLY is coming this weekend, along with a Youth Rally. We would have hired some bees, but they said that it looked like there was too much on our plates.

For the past several weeks on Sunday nights we have looked at Prayer and having our prayers answered. Sunday night the message focused on ASKING IN JESUS' NAME. In order to pray, and get answers from the Lord, we must ask in Jesus' name. He is our access to the Father.

His name carries authority to save. Acts 4:12 makes this clear.

His name calls us to surrender. He is the Lord. Philippians 2 states that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Yield to Him today.

His name provides access to the Heavenly throne room. Hebrews 4 calls us to come boldly to the throne of grace so that we can find mercy, and grace to help in time of need. Christ has opened up the way for us to access the Father.

This is why we can have our prayers answered. John 15:16 shows that when we make requests of the Father in the name of Jesus, our petitions will be granted.

What does it mean to ask in Jesus' name? Asking is requesting a thing or favor from someone else. Often we have not because we ask not. Prayer indeed is asking. Who are we to ask? The Father. This of course is GOD. He is the Creator and Sustainer of life. His coffers are full. He has riches untold. Indeed, He is the One worthy of our petitions. Then we see the little preposition "in". This word shows location. All of our petitions must be wrapped up in a certain place, a certain location. "My" a pronoun showing ownership and therefore authority. "Name" a title that reveals the character of the person. When we ask "in Jesus' name", we are asking for His glory, asking in line with His character, and asking for His sake (in light of what He has done in dying on the cross and making the way to God open).

The name of Jesus is not a magic charm. The seven sons of Sceva found this out when trying to cast out demons using the name of Jesus. In order to pray in Jesus' name one must first have a relationship with this Jesus. Do you know Him? Are you trusting Him for cleansing from sin and the salvation of your soul?

Sometimes people do not get their prayers answered simply because they are not a child of God. Religion will not save you. Morality will not save you. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me." You can come to the Father for salvation by trusting the atoning work of Jesus Christ. Then you can come to the Father with all of your requests in the name, for the glory of, in line with the character of, and to further the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let us pray!

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